6 Tips On Beating Fatigue As Go Back To Your Work Life.



You like me, have become incredibly comfortable in wearing pyjamas during the day, eating carelessly and on some days, having more sugar than we should. This has affected your mind and your gut in a way you may not see till you’re sat at a desk again.
Work places have either re-opened or have a rotation schedule for their staff to limit the spread of the virus. Whether you are back to life as you knew it or you’re anticipating that moment, we are here to help.  

Here are some simple ways to get back into the swing of things:

1.Fix your sleeping pattern.  Lack of Sleep increases our stress levels and also causes inflammation which may manifest as bloating and chronic fatigue. Constantly feeling tired may really just be evidence of a poor sleep schedule. 

2.Clean the processed and trans fat foods from your diet. Whole grains and starchy carbohydrates are better alternatives than processed food items such as french fries and bread. Adding more natural anti inflammatory foods like sweet potatoes, herbs such as garlic and turmeric, and grains such brown rice and quinoa, will strengthen your body and help you fight the fatigue due to the variety of anti-inflammatory nutrients you are consuming.

3. Cut out the refined sugar. Sugar inflammation could be the main culprit of the fatigue you feel.There is a sugar rush, but after the sugar rush there is also the sugar low that causes so much fatigue. Refined sugar foods chip at your energy and will cause you to move slower due to the empty calories and lack of micronutrients. Prioritize Whole Foods and watch your energy levels increase.

4. Up your water intake.Reduce how much caffeine you’re drinking and swap it out for water or organic tea’s. Excessive alcohol too has been found to cause inflammation. Lack of water can cause you dizzy spells and days of fatigue. If you are currently feeling sluggish and sleepy despite getting a good number of hours to sleep at night, you may need to up your water intake.

5. Get some exercise into your daily routine.Try going on a 30-minute walk, playing tennis with a friend, or doing home workouts 3-4 times a week. You are likely to find that it gives you a newfound burst of energy.

6. Move around as you work. Take frequent breaks at from your desk and try to constantly stretch so your blood flows better. At the office, try and take frequent walks. Move around, interact with your colleagues and keep your brain active. 



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